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A smiling woman wearing a green Perto Digital Accessibility shirt poses with arms crossed, symbolizing confidence.


Access key information about digital accessibility.

Mulher sorridente em camiseta Perto Acessibilidade, braços cruzados, fundo azul, promovendo inclusão digital.

Accessibility Guide

Access key information on digital accessibility

Brands that trust our work

Graphic representation of a laptop.
Homem e cão observam smartphone, logo Perto Acessibilidade ao fundo, promovendo tecnologia inclusiva.

Free Course

Accessibility and Technology

Understand the concept of Accessibility and how to practice inclusion within your company and in daily life. Also, get to know technologies that assist in this journey.


Still in doubt? Ask our AI about accessibility.




Brazilian Inclusion Law. Its main objective is to promote inclusion and guarantee the rights of people with disabilities in various areas of society.


Accessibility Model in Electronic Government. These are Brazilian government standards that ensure inclusive online access for all.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It aims to prohibit discrimination based on disability and ensure equal opportunities for people with disabilities.


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. It was developed to make web content more accessible to all people, including those with disabilities.

Section 508

Legislation of the United States that requires digital technologies to be accessible to people with disabilities, promoting digital inclusion and equal access.

Equality Act

The Equality Act in the United Kingdom is legislation aimed at promoting equality and prohibiting discrimination in various areas such as employment, education, and others.



Redefining Disability

Cover of the book 'Redefining Disability', focusing on inclusive practices in education.

Ableism - The Myth of Capability

Cover of the book 'Capacitismo: O mito da Capacidade', with highlighted letters on a gray background.
Capa do livro "Inclusive Design for a Digital World", foco em design acessível, por Regine M. Gilbert.

Inclusive Design for a Digital World

Capa do livro "Haben" sobre Haben Girma, primeira advogada surdocega de Harvard.

Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law



Leitor de tela NVDA

NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) enables blind and visually impaired individuals to access and interact with the operating system and many third-party applications.

NVDA Screen Reader logo

Automatic Audio Transcription - WebCaptioner

Web Captioner provides real-time captions for live web broadcasts, making content accessible to deaf or hard of hearing individuals.

A black letter 'W' on a yellow background, a simple and contrasting symbol for visibility.

Contrast Checker

The WebAIM Contrast Checker is a tool that assesses color readability in website design, ensuring compliance with web accessibility standards (WCAG).

Full Review
Ícone de perfil humano com engrenagem no cérebro, simbolizando pensamento inovador e soluções tecnológicas.

Verificador de Navegadores Acessíveis

O site testa a acessibilidade de recursos do HTML5 em navegadores, garantindo que sejam usáveis por pessoas com necessidades especiais sem ajustes extras.

HTML5 logo in orange, standard for accessible structuring of web content

VLibras LIBRAS Translator

A Suíte VLibras possibilita que pessoas surdas acessem conteúdo multimídia em sua língua natural, melhorando a acessibilidade em computadores, dispositivos móveis e na web.

Accessibility icon with hands and open book on a blue background, symbolizing tactile reading.



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